Pennsylvania Wind Projects
PJM Wind Project Queues
December 26, 2006
PJM Wind Project Queues
December 26, 2006
"...[O]fficials move closer to completing a draft of the Homeowner Protection Plan, which establishes terms for compensating homeowners should their property values decline due to the wind towers.
"... As part of formulating the plan, county officials this week will meet with several concerned landowners to obtain their input on the document, Groves said. The wind-farm companies will also have input in the plan's creation. The plan will establish homeowner-related guidelines that the wind-farm companies must follow before they can obtain building permits."
Testimony before our Energy Committee and most other sources suggest that to produce this much wind energy in the United States could require building more than 100,000 of new, massive wind turbines. We have less than 7,000 such windmills in the U.S. today, with the largest number in Texas and California. -- Sen. Lamar Alexander, Windmill Legislation Introduction