Thursday, April 26, 2007
Anti-Trust Complaint Filed
Anti-Trust Complaint Filed Against U.S. Wind Industry
Naples NY, April 25, 2007
A grass roots coalition of nearly 100 citizens from New York, Vermont, and other states have filed a federal Anti-Trust Complaint alleging that an international cartel comprised of foreign and domestic business entities have conspired to eliminate competition in the newly emerging U.S. wind energy sector.
This Complaint, filed today with the Department Of Justice Anti-Trust Division, maintains that windfarm developers, suppliers, consultants, investors, and in some cases public officials have engaged in illegal geographic Market Allocation, Price Fixing and Bid Rigging in direct violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
As a result of this illegal conspiracy thousands of landowners and hundreds of municipalities have been denied substantial monetary gains that otherwise would be available in a free and competitive market.
Questions regarding this Complaint, or requests for copies of the entire Complaint, may be directed to:
Bradley E. Jones
3996 Donley Road
Naples NY 14512
585-374-2627 (H), 585-233-8539 (M)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
PA Game Commission Pact
PA Game Commission Wind Energy Pact Ratified
HARRISBURG, Pa., April 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Pennsylvania
Game Commission today signed cooperative, voluntary agreements with 12
companies to avoid, minimize and potentially mitigate any adverse impacts
the development of wind energy may have on the state's wildlife resources.
Note: While Airtricity and Gamesa are included in the voluntary agreement, its application to pre-existing development plans -- such as the turbine construction planned near Folmont -- is not clear.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Issue Ads in Bedford Gazette
A series of ads by Save Our Allegheny Ridges that ran in the Bedford (Penn.) Gazette in March 2007.
Turbine Talk 2: Noise
Turbine Talk 3: Low production
Turbine Talk 4: Watershed
Turbine Talk 5: Wildlife
Turbine Talk 6: Aesthetics
Turbine Talk 7: Property values
Message from Sam Pratt
When I first heard about wind turbines on Pennsylvania's mountaintops, I decided to investigate wind energy. Unfortunately, they cannot eliminate our dependence on foreign oil and they can never be a major source of electrical power. They are promoted by some environmentalists and those that profit from turbines as "clean and green." Unfortunately, the truth does not match the claims.
These facts concern me.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
GE Admits 90% Inefficiency
HT: Nina Pierpont
Monday, April 02, 2007
Noise Complaints on Rise
Noise created by commercial-scale wind turbines has become a major concern around the world as wind power development continues to proliferate. Although the industry claims that modern turbines are quieter — even as they grow ever larger — complaints are increasing from people who live near new projects.
While the wind itself may mask some of the noise under some atmospheric conditions, the deep unnatural thumping as the giant blades pass their supporting tower is particularly intrusive. Testimony from hundreds of turbine neighbors confirms this, most recently from Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin, Texas, Canada, the U.K., and New Zealand. Reports can be found at and
The noise is especially intrusive because wind energy facilities are often built in rural areas where the ambient sound level may be quite low, especially at night. On the logarithmic decibel (dB) scale, an increase of 10 dB is perceived as a doubling of the noise level. An increase of 6 dB is considered to be a serious community issue. Since a quiet night in the country is typically around 25 dB, the common claim by wind developers of 45 dB at the nearest home would be perceived as a noise four times louder than normal. And because it is intermittent and directional, those affected assert that one can never get used to it. The disruption of sleep alone presents serious health and human rights issues.
The problem is worse than the industry admits. Frits van den Berg, a physicist at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands, studied noise levels around a German facility of 17 turbines. In a 2003 paper published in the Journal of Sound and Vibration, he found that at night, because the surface air is often more still than the air at the height of the blades, the noise from the turbines is 15 to 18 dB higher than during the day and carries farther. He noted that residents 1.9 kilometers (6,200 feet or 1.2 miles) away expressed strong annoyance with noise from the facility.
The French National Academy of Medicine has called for a halt of all large-scale wind development within 1.5 kilometers of any residence, because the sounds emitted by the blades constitute a permanent risk for people exposed to them. The U.K. Noise Association studied the issue and agreed with the recommendation of a 1-mile setback.
Full article here.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Recoup your losses.
Windmills devalue your property and home? Recoup your losses by investing in a wind company.
Earlier this week, Goldman Sachs more than doubled its money by selling Horizon Wind Energy, a developer and operator of wind power generation, for at least $2.15 billion to Energias de Portugal….
German wind turbine manufacturer REpower Systems has also seen its market valuation more than triple in the last year, to 150 euros ($200) a share, and in recent weeks has received takeover bids of around $1.7 billion from French nuclear power company Areva and India's Suzlon Energy.